1. Create Your Recruiting Email Address

Create a separate email account that you use only for college recruiting, College Board and college applications. Both player and parent should have access to this email. We recommend a name like this: JaneSmith2022@gmail.com Choose a password you can all remember.

2. University Athlete Profile

This is the profile many college coaches use to find you at major tournaments. This is a must for any player who wants to play in college. Don’t wait until the last minute as your free registration will take a few days to be processed. Register now for University Athlete. Make sure you add your tournament schedule, your personal contact information (not your parents) AND ALWAYS include a coach or club contact. When coaches can’t contact you, they can contact your coach.

3. Make a College Spreadsheet

 Successful recruiting requires organization. Make a spreadsheet of your top colleges and keep track of who you email and their responses. 

4. Register on College Team Websites

Go to the college website and find the recruiting questionnaire. Fill it out. Coaches use this to find specific players. 

5. Get Video

Coaches need video to make sure it’s worth their time to come see you play. Take video at tournaments or hire a firm. Keep it simple. No crazy music or fancy graphics. Just two minutes of you looking awesome to capture a coach’s attention. Have full game video ready in case they ask (edit out the downtime). A YouTube link is fine.

6. Email College Coaches

Email coaches a link to your video and invite them to come see you play at a tournament. Email coaches before every big tournament to tell them you will be there. Always include grad year, jersey number and a club coach contact. (See sample letter) Make notes on your spreadsheet to help you keep track.

7.  Go To College Camps

Start attending camps your 15s or 16s year. See the campus, interact with a college coaching staff, and play alongside other recruitable athletes.

8. Build a Relationship

Keep in contact with coaches, and update them on your accomplishments. (All-state honors? Did you win a qualifier?) Once you are allowed to start communicating with coaches after sophomore year, don’t be afraid to ask coaches where you stand. They will respond to you or your club contact with more information.